
We know, we know... This is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overdue but it can't be helped... :)
Well, better late than never anyway, right?
We were more than thrilled when were invited to perform at Moonshine by Reza Salleh, the guy whose voice feels like melted chocolate...
Honestly, words cannot describe how we felt up on that stage at No Black Tie that night. Awesome crowd, fantastic line-up, the mood and energy of the gig was beyond anything!!!
Too bad we don't have pictures. We know this description is too brief but we felt that it would be better for you to read what other people (read:objective people) thought about the gig, so here are the links to:
Keep on popping over to our blog even though we don't update as often as we like... (sorry!) Updates about our Starbucks gig and the Christmas show at Frangipani's soon. Promise! :)
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